Ledanois Heza Rebel
Ledanois Heza Rebel {Brindle M} V239926 2/08/1987 12:00:00 AM

Zelos Jonni Red
20/05/1982 12:00:00 AM
Zelos Ima Gamblinman
19/12/1979 12:00:00 AM
Aust Ch
Doggenstadt Owen
Andros von der Hammaburg
Doggenstadt Karin
Danewindsor Daniella
The Cicero of Moonsfield
Danewindsor Bridget
Aust Ch
Daneswalk January
16/12/1975 12:00:00 AM
Aust Ch
Daneswalk Chance
Aust Ch
Danestadt Kim
Aust Ch
Danetipaws Diana
Aust Ch
Daneswalk Kylie in Gold
Aust Ch
Danestadt Kim
Aust Ch
Danetipaws Diana
Chezdane Mystique
3/11/1983 12:00:00 AM
Astatines Kabaka
25/05/1976 12:00:00 AM
Aust Ch
Raatu Rothemund
Aust Ch
Raatu Rothman
Raatu Raana
Aust Ch
Grossdane the Baroness
Aust Ch
Oakhatch Christian of Moonsfield
Aust Ch
Danestadt Katrina
Aust Ch
Zelos Ima Glamagirl
9/08/1980 12:00:00 AM
Aust Ch
Doggenstadt Owen
Andros von der Hammaburg
Doggenstadt Karin
Aust Ch
Daneswalk January
Aust Ch
Daneswalk Chance
Aust Ch
Daneswalk Kylie in Gold
Pedigree generated by WebGeneal 4.7.7 (2010.08.08) using database Quintess.dbw on Sun 06 Oct 17:10:50 2024 UTC.
There are no guarantees made as to the accuracy of this data.
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Database maintained by Glen@quintessa.net.au. Please contact them for questions, additions, or changes regarding the database.